SoPHIA Holistic Heritage Impact Assessment Model

Click here for the full version of the SoPHIA Holistic Heritage Impact Assessment Model

CulturalHeritageImpact Assessment People’sPerspective PrimaryActors People Ex-Ante Ongoing Ex-Post Time Domains

Discover the stories behind the 6 interrelated themes that have been identified by the SoPHIA Model when assessing cultural heritage interventions.

The way cultural heritage is preserved and enhanced is a major factor defining Europe’s identity and its place in the world.
Low-quality interventions may not only damage irreplaceable historical elements, their environment and related intangible heritage but also foster negative perceptions by society. On the other hand, high quality interventions in cultural heritage contribute to local communities´ wellbeing from different angles.

Cities, territories, and societies are dynamics. Interventions in heritage are not only necessary to repair damages produced over time, but also to meet contemporary demands: in terms of accessibility, urban development or to provide for a different use.

(CC BY-SA 2.0) William Murphy

Click on a theme to follow its story:

Social Capitaland Governance Identity of Place Quality of Life Education, Creativityand Innovation Work andProsperity Protection Domains

The Toolkit with further information and detailed steps will be available soon.